sexta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2014

quarta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2014

Maybe I´m coming back, but not for posts like this one.. It´s just a thought.

Am I supposed to start with this all over again?? It´s been a long time when I decided to disappear with everything I had in here. Bad memories! but you know what ? They are still on me with the new fucking ones. Shame! 

In the end we just have to move on, walk to the light, look for new horizons, hope for good days to come and never look back. That´s hard..

There is always something better waiting for us. #cliche I know! But, just... don´t miss it. Don´t be afraid. Don´t let it pass you by.. Write your new story, no matter what! Do as the stars do: Shine..